Congo, DR (Compact with Africa Land)

Cover Policy
Among these options, your business can be secured with an export credit guarantee:
Short-term Business
There are no formal restrictions on cover.
Medium/long-term Business
Cover is available on a case-by-case basis.
Public sector
The OECD principles of sustainable lending apply.
In addition, cover is available for project finance and structured finance deals, where necessary based on countertrade transactions.
Private sector
Bank securities are required if the foreign buyer's creditworthiness is inadequate.
Medium/long-term transactions, public sector
A guarantee from the Ministry of Finance or the central bank is generally required.
For public buyers which are established as private sector organizations the same collateral requirements as for private buyers apply.
The review of a bank for inclusion as a guarantor or borrower is carried out on a case-by-case basis on the basis of meaningful documents and taking into account the justifiability of the risk.
Further Information
Further information on business practices, economic climate, market analyses, law, customs and import procedures as well as international projects and tenders can be found on the website of Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI).
You can find the most important GTAI country information on Africa at a glance in the Africa Business Guide.
Focus on Africa - a continent with opportunities
In order to intensify economic cooperation with Africa and strengthen trade relations, the German government has decided on various improvements in foreign trade promotion. As part of the G20 initiative "Compact with Africa" initiative, the cover options for business with selected sub-Saharan African countries have been further improved.
Further information on this and other accompanying measures can be found on our website: Focus on Africa
All information without guarantee.

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