Three employees are discussing in front of a laptop in a warehouse

Cost calculation

Overview of the tools for calculating premium and fees

Premium indication

For export companies and their foreign customers

"How much does it cost?" is one of the most pressing questions asked by foreign customers of export companies.

The Premium Calculator, provides an initial indication* – with just four inputs and in less than a minute!

Quick and easy to get a first cost estimate. Exporters and banks have highlighted the following advantages when using it:

Start the Premium Calculator

Find out your premium indication including financing plan.
The Premium Calculator was designed for foreign importers, but also offers German exporters an initial indication. 
The tool is currently only available in English.

What does Hermes Cover cost?

How to calculate the expected cost of your cover.

The costs of cover for your export transaction comprise fees and premiums. The fees are charged for the costs associated with the processing of an application. As matter of principle, premiums are risk-based and account for the major part of the costs. When the premium is calculated, the horizon of risk, the country and the buyer risk but also your share in the risk (uninsured percentage) and any collateral that may exist are taken into account. Consequently, lower risks result in lower costs than high risks.

Infographic: sample calculation

Premium Calculation Tool

An example for the calculation

On the left, an example (DE) of the calculation of a medium-term export transaction to Indonesia with an order value of 1 million euros and a medium credit rating of the buyer, to be financed over 3 years.

If you need further assistance with the calculation, please contact us.

Icon: Kontakt

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