Bild: Mann vor Publikum

Online-Event "Shopping-Line-Cover"

Online attendance
10:00 - 11:00
Diese Veranstaltung liegt in der Vergangenheit.

The German Federal Government adopted a 5-point package of measures to support the German export industry in the current environment. It aims at improving the cash position and the financing and refinancing possibilities of German exporters and banks with the help of the Export Credit Guarantees of the Federal Republic of Germany. In this context, the Federal Government introduced a new form of buyer credit cover (shopping line cover), which is designed to facilitate the German exporters’ access to procurement programmes of foreign buyers with good credit ratings. In our English-language online-event, Felix Brücher, Head of Department Sales & Commercial, and Andreas Gehring, Product  Innovation Manager (Top Expert), informed about the details of the advantages of this product and the opportunities for you and your customers. 

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Bild: Shopping Line Cover


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