Marketable Risks
Export Credit Guarantees for EU and OECD Countries
Extended state support for short-term business
The European Commission decided to widen the scope for state export credit guarantees to include export business on short payment terms (up to 24 months) with EU and selected OECD member states. The Federal Government pressed for the exemption from the Short-term Export-credit Insurance Communication now published as part of its protective shield for the economy and implements it with immediate effect in favour of the German export industry.
The exemption applies to all 27 EU member states as well as Australia, Canada, Iceland, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, the USA, the United Kingdom and their affiliated territories and, for the time being, was limited until 31 March 2022.
Please find information on your options to protect your export business, the application procedures and contacts at Euler Hermes on this page.
Does your transaction qualify for cover?
Hermes Cover helps in particular small and medium-sized companies to protect themselves against the risks involved in an export transaction.
You as exporter can inquire with the Federal Government about the possibility of cover already before signing an export contract. Such a non-binding, on-line inquiry can be submitted online and is free of charge.